Wednesday 24 February 2016

The most powerful way to get men to tell you how they feel

Men are a puzzle to women. The biggest puzzle about men is that they don't like to open up and show you how they really feel. There are many reasons for this and some of them go back to our caveman days. Even in today's society with all the technology that is available no one really knows how another person thinks. 

If you're a woman it is more complicated because men seem like a whole different species. The first step to get a man to open up to you is if you're being authentic.
Be who you are at all times. If you pretend to like something and you really don't he will know just like when you know if he is holding back on you. 

When you're being authentic then he feels safe enough that if you can be open to him then he can also be open with you. I found that my husband used to tell me all these important things at very odd times. Some of the stuff were painful things that would have happened and I chose to be kind to him. I understood his need to tell me and if I couldn't do anything I just held him. Don't judge him for who he is and practice acceptance and love at all times.

Men are physically strong and sometimes you don't realise how vulnerable they are emotionally. Allow them to be and be supportive. Don't be the kind of person who only thinks your problem is bigger than everyone else's. Be willing to give them what they need even if you don't understand it. 

Tau used to ask me to sit so he could look at me because he enjoyed looking at me. Even though I didn't understand it at the time I allowed him his pleasure. With time I got to understand it and his trust for me grew.
Be generous with yourself and your time.
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Friday 12 February 2016

When light and ice collide they create a rainbow

Recently in Dublin we had an interesting weather phenomenon. It looked so beautiful and my kids wondered if we were looking at Northern Lights! It was that spectacular and a wonder to wake up to. I later learnt that, "The iridescent clouds are a diffraction phenomenon caused by low winter sunlight bouncing off small ice crystals in the clouds and scattering the light to create a pattern similar to rainbows although in a different pattern." 

It made me think of what happens when a person closes their heart from being hurt again. When you do that you're also closing love off yourself and your heart becomes like a frozen lake waiting to thaw. Nothing can get out and nothing can get in.

But if you just take time everyday to feel your heart and breathe through it light starts to filter in like in the clouds. You will feel love for yourself, the most magical thing because that is the source of life and of real living. You will create a magical rainbow that allows you to feel love more and more.

You won't have to look for a silver lining because there will always be rainbow. 

 Once you feel that love for yourself then you are full enough to share it with another person. Isn't that exciting?

I love comments and feedback. If you want to go deeper with this send me an email

Friday 5 February 2016

Do you allow Brules to determine how you live your life?

There are many ideas that come through the media like January 19th is Depression day because most people have stopped doing their new year's resolutions and they feel bad about it or that January 4th is divorce day. It is the day most couples file for divorce because  of the added stress from the holidays and Christmas would have been the last straw.

I would think spending time together would make couples feel closer but that is not the case according to research. I find this very sad. Why do I find this sad? Because it doesn't have to be that way at all. We have all bought into this Brule or Bull shit rule  according to Vishen Lakhiani,  that couples have to take out all the stress on each other. That love only lasts for a very short time and then it sucks and that love is frustrating and painful.
What if I were to tell you that there is another way and it is not finding another partner at all. Actually research has shown that even though in most Western countries 50% of first marriages end in divorce 63 % of second and 72% of third marriages also end in divorce.

In other words you can't get rid of your problems by running away. I used to think running and finding someone else was the answer too. You need to do something about the problems or issues and it is not what you think.

Start by being authentic to yourself. What do you value? What is important to you? Why is this relationship important to you? Why is this issue important to you? After reading this take pen and paper or whatever you use for writing and answer those questions. You cannot be successfully in a relationship with another person unless you know the answers to those questions.

When you know this then you will be able to stand in your truth and be who you really are. When you're being who you are authentically everyone around you will respect that. This also gives you the freedom to allow people to be who they really are with you without feeling the need to conform to your ideals. This is real freedom and love.

Whenever I found myself irritable and getting annoyed with my husband I would do something fun for myself. Sometimes it was to just to hang out with my friends not to bash him but to connect and laugh at silly things, watch a comedy or spend time with my sisters or my mom. This always made me feel happy and less irritable. I know when I feel good I am more patient and generous. Try that and see what happens.

 I can help you figure out why you're standing in your way of happiness and what you can do about it so that you can enjoy your ideal relationship.  I can show you how to turn your spouse into the great man or woman you married several years ago. When I walk you through the secrets you will wonder why you never thought of them before because they are so simple to do but they will transform your life. Are you ready?.........

Send me an email at and I can help you make your relationships awesome.