Friday, 20 March 2015

How to avoid suffering by using your feminine energy

For some reason women believe that suffering is a good thing. Why else would we put up with it so much if we don't like it? For example a lot of women find themselves in dissatisfying relationships and instead of using their power to resolve issues they settle and put up with them. They treat themselves badly ensuring that they are the last to get anything good including personal time. In most cultures women eat the least nutritious food even though they are responsible for bearing children. How does this make sense? Dr. Phil said, "If you love your children take care of their mother." This is so true to me. The reason women are still at a disadvantage even now is because women bring up their sons not to value women. They don't teach them how to cook, clean and take care of their
environment. In doing that they are demonstrating to their sons that they have no responsibility at all to do those chores. Furthermore they are saying a woman's job is to be a servant to a man. I have been lucky enough to be married to a man who was trained by his own mother to do all house hold chores. When we began our life together he just took it as part of life to do jobs around the house. He never felt less of a man because of it. While men are out working women could and should train their boys how to be good human beings instead of defining them with their functions. We spend so much time with our children that our influence should be the one we pass on. That is why it is fundamental for human evolution and development that women be educated in all aspects of life because we are responsible for passing on human development to the next generation. While girls have been trained for generations to be strong, achieve more and be more masculine, sons are being left behind. This just creates incompatibility in sexes which causes more pain and suffering.

I am not advocating a war against men at all but I am saying use your feminine energy to get what you want. Learn to say no to the things that don't make you happy in a non confrontational  but effective way. Learn to say no when you mean no and say yes when you mean yes. For example, when we started discussing marriage with Tau he suggested that he expected me to be a stay at home mom. I don't have anything against those who do it but it is not for me. Instead of getting upset and having a fight I just said, "Then I am the wrong woman for you. Maybe you need to find someone else who will be able to do what you need." He got the message and the issue was resolved. If I had agreed and then turned around and said that's not what I want it would've been unfair to him. My feminine energy helped me to call him on the  things he didn't want to face or I didn't want to face but that were important for us to resolve so neither of us had wrong expectations.

Now if you allow yourself to be treated badly, undermined and undervalued then I am sorry but there isn't a time when someone is going to come and save you. Really there is no price for suffering in this world and I think even in heaven you will still get what you believe you deserve. You suffer every time you do things that don't give you joy. You also suffer when you nag, scream, stamp your feet and insist on being right all the time. You have joy when you let love lead you and help you to express yourself in the most effective manner possible. It is important to hold your integrity and ensure your purity all the time. If it doesn't feel good then don't do it. Love yourself first and everyone around you will love you too.
If you need help to learn how to do this, please get in touch.
Please leave comments, they are always welcome.

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