Sunday, 22 February 2015

The art of getting what you want

Women tend to believe that they can't get what they want or they have to compromise and get a version of something that looks like what they want. This version is usually very far from the truth. For the majority of women they hunt for the perfect wedding dress. They will seek high and low to find this perfect dress and they won't compromise for anything. They want it and they will make sure they get it. I find this very ironic because usually these same women did not put as much due diligence on choosing the man they are going to put on the dress for. Does this make sense?

I have always known a criteria of the man that I wanted. I  was in boarding school and my friends and dorm mates all told me that that man did not exist. They even went on to tell me I would never get married because I had unrealistic expectations. I just said to myself if I can't find him then so be it. One day I went to church and I listed the qualities of the man I wanted. He had to be smarter than me but humble, he had to be patient, want to cook, enjoy adventure, funny, kind, loving, romantic and many others. I left the church and forgot about it. Slightly over a year later, I had met the man I was going to marry. I later found out that he fulfilled all my needs and more. He was perfect man. He didn't need fixing but he needed my love. I gave him the love he needed and he gave me the love I needed. In doing that we both grew to be better human beings than we could have been if we had not found each other. I was so proud of my choice. As a human he wasn't perfect and neither am I but my love was strong enough to let his imperfections raise the bar of my ability to love.
So the trick is know what it is you want, recognise it when you find it and celebrate having it.

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